Wendy Watkins has been dancing and performing since the ripe old age of three!  Wendy danced at Patzius Performing Arts in St. Louis, Missouri under the instruction of principal ballerina Donna Patzius.  She also performed in several productions with the Children’s Theatre.

 Wendy studied ballet, pointe and modern at BalletMet in Ohio.  She also studied ballet, pointe, tap, jazz and modern at the Marjorie Jones School of Ballet where she competed with Dance Masters of America for Miss Dance of Ohio and Kentucky.  Wendy did competitive gymnastics with her high school team, and with her beam and floor routines, helped her team win the state championships.  Wendy danced summer intensives with Giordano Dance Chicago and the Cincinnati Ballet.

Upon graduation from high school, Wendy was invited to work with the San Francisco Ballet; however, she chose to stay closer to family and attend the University of North Carolina-Charlotte with a major in Business and a minor in Dance.  While earning her degree at UNC Charlotte, she performed as a Gold Duster on the college dance team.

Wendy danced with BB Dance Productions and began her teaching career in 1993 at this studio.  She also taught preschool at Sonshine Preschool.  Since 2006, Wendy has been actively involved with the Academy of Dance and Fine Arts, and is a parent to two ADFA dancers, Savannah and Avery.